Decrease of passing GPA score for writing Theses & Diploma Project
Currently, the passing GPA for writing These/Diploma Projects is 3.5, which many students may find unattainable. We believe that reducing this indicator to 3.0 will help more students successfully complete their educational programs.
We are demanding changes in the policy due to following reasons:
1. Requirements for a master's degree in foreign universities: Many students will continue their education abroad, in a master's degree. This often requires the successful completion of theses/diploma projects.
2. Passing score of the previous year: It was indicated that the passing score for writing a thesis last year was lower than 3.5. Many of us during junior year adopted this imformation as a basis for senior year.
3. Grade inflation: It was also found that the average score in our educational institution tends to inflation, and grades in the range between 3.0 - 3.5 are becoming more common. This may indicate that the 3.5 requirements may be unnecessarily strict for ambitious students.
4. Late informing and disorganization of the process: It was noticed that the process of determining the requirements and required average scores was quite disorganized and not quite clear to students. No one was warned in advance about such high scores. This caused additional stress and uncertainty in our educational process. Important and accruate information seemed to be poorly distributed, no consultation was held to explain the whole situation.
Consideration of the present petition will contribute to the improvement of academic motivation and the diversity of research projects conducted by our students.
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